GE Phasor XS Ultrasonic Phased Array Flaw Detector for sale with 3 Phased Array Probes, still like new, fully loaded with 16:64 setup and CV option

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GE Phasor XS 16:64 Phased Array Ultrasonic Flaw Detector sale, complete with all the standard accessories, ready to go to working on arrival

This sale GE Phasor XS 16:64 Phased Array come includes;

  • GE Phasor XS 16:64 Phased Array Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
  • Software Options: AWS, DAC/TVG, DGS, SWP
  • 3X Phased Array Probes: 1x P/N: 115-500-016, 64E, 5Mhz ; and 2x P/N: 115-500-013, 16E, 4Mhz
  • Probe Hard Case
  • Charger/Cables
  • Battery
  • Rubber Strap
  • Screen Protector
  • Quick Start Guide
  • IIW Block with Case

GE Phasor Series Phased Array Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors

GE's Phasor series ultrasonic flaw detectors come in different upgradable models. Phasor CV is a code-compliant conventional ultrasonic flaw detector that can be upgraded to Phasor DM, Phasor 16/16 Weld or to the 16/64 Phasor XS phased array capabilities. No changes to the base unit hardware are required, and training is minimal since the same user interface is utilized. Combined with phased array transducers, both platforms can solve your most demanding inspection applications in less time at an affordable price.

GE-Phasor-XS-Phased-Array-ModeThe GE Phasor XS brings the proven advantages of Phased Array technology to a new – and accessible – level. This portable and rugged device combines the value of Phased Array with a code-compliant conventional UT flaw detector. It is simple to use, easy to learn and specially designed with practical, relevant features.

When used in Phased Array mode, the operator can electronically control multiple beams from one probe. The precise beam control including angle, focus and size, results in improved probability of detection (POD) and sizing. With one scan from one contact location, greater area is covered and comprehensive data can be viewed in real time on a full color sector display. When compared to conventional Ultrasonic inspection, the productivity and cost savings from the Phasor XS are easily measured.


Productivity gains
When the inspection requires a different angle with conventional ultrasonic testing, the operator must change his probe and re-visualize the integration of the new information. A different time base and sensitivity level is represented. Although this is not a problem for the skilled operator, it takes time. Through the power of Phasor XS, these inefficiencies are drastically minimized.

Real time color imaging from the Phasor XS supplies an integrated cross-sectional visualization of the part originating from multiple angles. A single A-Scan can also be selected for display in combination with the image. With a single probe, you can achieve more than ever before – and in less time. Overall, the Phasor XS provides:

  • Improved area coverage, faster results
  • More information from one scan of the part
  • Better recorded result from the generation of an image
  • One probe replicates the capabilities of many conventional UT probes and wedges
  • Time and cost savings from reduced hours evaluating indications with multiple angles

Measurable time savings!
Some weld inspections require a complete scan with three separate angles. Using the Phasor XS can result in a time savings of two thirds!

Test quality improvements
Defect orientation is a prediction made in the development of a test procedure and an inspection angle is chosen based on this prediction. Beam spread is chosen purposely broad to account for some level of error in the prediction, so essentially it is a compromise. With the Phasor XS, electronic control of the beam allows test procedures to be developed that will yield higher Probability of Detection (POD), in the same inspection time, by allowing the choice of an ideal beam over the full inspection area. The quality of the scan is improved and the Phasor XS’ full-color, real time sector display with selectable A-Scan supplies the standard accepted method for instant and reliable sizing.

Simple change over
Building Phased Array capabilities into a successful proven operating platform ensures the transition to Phased Array inspection will be cost effective. Phasor XS’ simple menu driven operation of basic Phased Array controls puts the technology within reach of the Level II field inspector. Data is easily interpreted and the cost of training is minimal.

Standard Features
An on board data set memory is combined with removable storage via an SD card for documentation and setup storage. This ensures your operators will be working with consistent setups to get brilliant results that you can see later on the screen or computer. The unique Sector Freeze mode allows review and storage of all the A-Scans behind the image. Select your beam of interest from all of the shots for separate display and improve your sizing with focal and angle control.

  • Combined Phased Array and code compliant Conventional UT flaw detector
  • Truly portable Phased Array – less than 4 kg (7 lbs)
  • Electronically controlled and selectable beam angles, focus and size
  • Simultaneous inspection with multiple beams from a single location
  • Full color, real time sector display with a selectable ASCAN
  • Fullscreen Bscan plus Display reverse and flip
  • Rugged packaging to withstand heavy onsite use
  • Snap shot image storage of sector images and ASCANS
  • Dialog probes 16/64
  • Delay law calculator
  • Push button control for operation in a bag
  • Simple operating scheme
  • Image transfer via SD card

Features and Benefits

  • Improved Inspection Productivity & POD (Probability of Detection)
  • Electronic focal length adjustment
  • Electronic beam steering 
  • Inspect at angles from 0-degrees to 90-degrees eliminating the need for multiple transducers and scans
  • Phasor CV/DM provides a simple and elegant method for reliable monitoring corrosion, identifying corrosion pits, displaying meaningful images, and providing digital measurements
  • The corrosion software specially developed for the Phasor CV/DM displays results in an understandable and useful way, both in terms of digital data and imagery
  • A positional encoder provides precise linear location information for each scan
  • Best-in-class 60 Hz refresh rate ensures the image reflects the scanning position
  • Inspection data displayed as a traditional A-Scan, sector scan, or both simultaneously
  • A series of screen and menu palettes let the inspector optimize the screen display to their preference and the lighting conditions
  • The unique video reverse mode aligns transducer motion with the Phasor display for fast intuitive decision-making
  • 3.8 kg (8 lbs.)
  • More than 6-hour battery life
  • TOPView allows the user view the scanned area from the top
  • Can switch to conventional UT quickly so that inspectors can use any standard transducer to evaluate detected flaws (locating and sizing) to any specified standard or test instruction
  • Combines a phased array imaging device and a conventional flaw detector into one instrument, with a phased array probe, which allows significant increases confidence in corrosion inspection data


Display Size Resolution 6.5” VGA (640*480 pixel) color TFT, 60Hz refresh rate
Battery Type Custom Li-Ion battery pack (3S6P configuration)
Battery Life 4 hours minimum
Battery Charging External charger that connects directly to the battery pack
External Power Supply Universal input (85 – 265V / 50 – 60 Hz)
Units of Measure inch and mm
SD Card Memor Sealed compartment
Number of Cycles Focal laws 1 28 (max)
Pulse repetition Frequency 15 to 2000Hz 15 to 7680Hz
Pulser Type Spike Bipolar Squarewave
Pulser Voltage 300V (max) +/-25V to +/-75V
Pulser Energy Low, High n/a
Pulser Rise Time <15ns Not Specified
Damping 50, 500 and 1000 n/a
Dual Mode Off and On n/a
Receiver Input Capacitance <50pF  
Maximum Input Voltage 40Vp-p  
Bandwidth/ Amplifier bandpass 0.3 to 15MHz(-3dB points) 0.5 to 10MHz
Direct Documentation format JPEG JPEG
Probe Connections 00 Lemo/ BNC Adaptor Supplied Custom Supplied
Physical Probe n/a 1 to 64
Virtual Probe n/a 1 to 16
Number of Cycles 1 to 28
Pulser Width (1/2 cycle) n/a 40 to 500ns
Pulser Delay n/a 0 to 10.24us
Receiver Delay n/a 0 to 10.24us
Receiver Input Resistance 1000ohm (dual mode) 220ohm
Analog Gain 0 to 110.0dB 0 to 40.0dB
Digital Gain n/a 0 to 50.0dB
Frequency Select 2.25MHz, 5MHz, LP and HP 2.25MHz, 5MHz, LP and HP
Rectification PosHW, NegHW and Fullwave PosHW, NegHW and Fullwave
Measurment Resolution 5nsec 5nsec
Displayed Readings A%A, A%B, SA/, SA^, SB/, SB^ A%A, A%B, SA/, SA^, SB/, SB^
VGA output Yes Yes
SD Card Memory Yes Yes
RS 232 interface Yes Yes
Auto Timebase Calibration Yes No
Reject 0 to 80% 0 to 80%
TCG 16 points (max) - 6dB/usec 16 pints (max) - 6dB/usec
Sound Velocity .0393 - .5905”/us[1000 – 15000m/s] .0393 - .5905”/us[1000 - 15000m/s]
Range 5m @ steel shear velocity 1m @ steel shear velocity
Weight 7.5lbs (with batteries) 7.5lbs (with batteries)
Size 11.1”W x 6.75”H x 6.25”D (282 x 171 x 159mm) 1.1”W x 6.75”H x 6.25”D (282 x 171 x 159mm)
Display Delay 2.5m @ steel shear velocity 1m @ steel shear velocity
Gates A, B A,B,IF
Gate Threshold 5% to 95% 5% to 95%
Gate Start [0.1mm to 2m] 0.1mm to 1m
Gate Width [0.1mm to 2m] 0.1mm to 1m
Gate Modes Off, Pos, Neg[Off, Coincidence, Anticoinci-dence]  
TOF Modes Flank, Peak Flank, Peak
Scan type n/a Linear or Sector
Data visualiztion refresh rate 60Hz 60Hz
Available views Ascan Ascan only, Image only, Ascan + Image
Dialog Languages English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Japanese English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Japanese
Cold Storage -20C for 72 hrs, 502.4 Procedure I
Cold Operation 0C for 16 hrs, 502.4 Procedure II
Heat Storage +70C for 48 hrs, 501.4 Procedure I
Heat Operation +55C for 16 hrs, 501.4 Procedure II
Damp Heat / Humidity (storage) 10 Cycles: 10hrs at +65C down to +30C, 10 hrs at +30C up to +65C, Transition within 2 hrs, 507.4
Temperature Shock 3 Cycles: 4 hrs at –20C up to +70C, 4 hrs at +70C, Transitions within 5 minutes, 503.4 Procedure II
Vibration 514.5-5 Procedure I, Annex C, Figure 6, General exposure: 1hr each axis
Shock 6 cycles each axis, 15g, 11ms half sine, 516.5 Procedure I
Loose Cargo 514.5 Procedure II
Transit Drop (packaged for shipment) 516.5 Procedure IV, 26 drops
IP54 / IEC529 ... Dust Proof / dripping water proof as per IEC 529 specifications for IP54 classification  
IP54 / IEC529 ... Dust Proof / dripping water proof as per IEC 529 specifications for IP54 classification
op temp
Low battery indication
Amlitude variation expected over battery life
Architectural suppression
Linearity on timebase
Pulser, Voltage p to p, rise time, duration, fall time, Reverberation ampitude, frequncy spectrum plot
Ampifier and attenuator

Download GE-Phasor-XS-Portable-Brochure.pdf