Niton XL5 XRF Analyzer for sale, been tested, serviced and calibrated by Olympus authorized, in excellent perfect working order and works flawlessly

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Product Description

Thermo Scientific Niton XL5 Handheld XRF for sale, loaded with Alloy Metal Analyzer mode. Fully shop tested, serviced and Calibrated by Olympus authorized, everything is still in excellent perfect working order and works flawlessly.

Niton XL5 XRF Sale Includes:

  • Thermo Scientific Niton XL5 Handheld XRF
  • 2X Rechargeable Batteries
  • 2X Adjustable Straps
  • Battery Charger
  • AC Adapter
  • Niton XL5 Analyzer Holder

Thermo Fisher Scientific Niton XL5 Handheld XRF Analyzer

Introducing the Thermo ScientificTM NitonTM XL5 analyzer - the lightest, smallest, most powerful handheld XRF analyzer available for elemental determination.1 Part of the industry leading Niton family of products, the Niton XL5 offers unmatched speed, performance and portability never seen in a handheld analyzer, until now.

Small size, big power
Fast, accurate, versatile XRF analysis

When versatility, low limits of detection (LODs) and high sample throughput are critical, industrial businesses rely on the Thermo ScientificTM NitonTM XL5 handheld XRF analyzer. Providing customers with solutions designed to meet their most demanding applications, the Niton XL5 maximizes performance and productivity


  • Verification of metal alloys in manufacturing operations
  • Non-destructive field inspections for positive material identification
  • Point-and-shoot sorting at scrap recycling operations
  • Measurement of mono and multilayer coating weight and thickness in Surface Treatment Control
  • Precious metal assay of bullion and jewelry
  • Real-time geochemical analysis for mining exploration
  • On-site heavy metal screening of polluted soils
  • Spectral Fingerprint matching for the detection of counterfeit investigation

Analytical performance
Designed to return lab quality results, the Niton XL5’s low limits of detection allow operators to scan a broad range of materialsfor diverse applications. Identify pure metals and alloys, obtain geochemical data, or utilize the XL5 to determine plating and coating thickness for up to four layers. From metals to mining, and everything in between, the Niton XL5 is ready to work

Rapid results
Powered by a 5W x-ray tube, the Niton XL5 generates fast and accurate results. A dynamic current adjustment ensures optimum sensitivity for each measurement. Results are displayed in real time, enabling you to make faster decisions.

Size and weight
Make light work of heavy industrial tasks utilizing the Niton XL5. Weighing an industry leading 2.8 pounds (1.3 kilograms), the Niton XL5 is the lightest handheld XRF analyzer available for elemental determination and alloy identification. It’s small footprint and featherweight design
reduce operator fatigue while increasing productivity.

Tight spots are no match for the Niton XL5. Discover expanded field use with improved compact geometry and ergonomics. Reaching tight welds, corners and joints, are no longer defined as awkward test spots for the Niton XL5

Vivid new icons and an application interface ease navigation and configuration. Utilize swipe and touchscreen functionality, even with a gloved hand. Optional directional keys provide added usability. A micro and macro camera enable precise sample positioning and collect images for better record keeping. WiFi accessibility automatically transmits data from your device to PC.
