IDS GeoRadar Opera Duo uNext

IDS GeoRadar Opera Duo uNext for sale, this system ready to working order on the field

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Product Description

IDS GeoRadar Opera Duo uNext for sale, fully tested, serviced and calibrated by IDS GeoRadar, this system ready to working order on the field

Opera Duo & uNext | Robustness Meets Data Quality in the Most Intuitive Ground Penetrating Radar for Utility Location and Mapping

Opera Duo is the most robust and intuitive GPR for locating and mapping utilities. 100% manufactured by utility market leader IDS GeoRadar, the Opera Duo is a compact, easy to transport and deploy ground penetrating radar leveraging robustness, data quality and intuitiveness for unparalleled utility location and mapping. Opera Duo is available in two versions:

  1. Two-wheels: a compact and lightweight solution;
  2. Four-wheels: an adaptable solution for use on rough terrain.

Opera Duo is now available with the new camera kit whose aim is to reduce acquisition times, combine surface data with underground detection and allow a post-scanning analysis like you were on site!

During acquisition phase the grid on the camera guide you in the scanning to do parallel scans!

Furthermore the software generates automatic and referenced documentation to support the survey carried out.

Main features include:

  • Superior Maneuverability – A large, comfortable handle to make pushing and pulling easier, large wheels for better control and a balanced weight distribution to offer minimum resistance.
  • Robustness – Engineered and built to withstand the harshest field conditions, the Opera Duo is suitable for heavy use in every type of terrain.
  • Data Quality – Large bandwidth offering the highest resolution; the largest dynamic range for the best penetration depth; and dual-head sensor integrating ultra-wide band antennas (250MHz and 700MHz).
  • Intuitiveness – Just click the start button to receive the best performance in every soil condition. No need to perform calibration or adjust any other manual settings.
  • Results Delivered On Site – The system tracks the position of the radar and marks targets automatically. All of the acquired data can be exported to CAD and GIS, and reports can be produced directly on site.
  • Innovative in data processing – Opera Duo leverages IQMaps, the post-processing software for faster and smarter GPR data analysis. 

The uNext platform offers an all-in-one, non-intrusive utility detection solution which exploits the most advanced technologies and methodologies in the market. 100% developed by utility market leader IDS GeoRadar, the uNext platform is based on the Opera Duo Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) leveraging robustness, data quality and intuitiveness for unparalleled utility location and mapping.

The uNext platform is designed to operate directly on site maximizing user experience and intuitiveness. The platform leverages:

  • Any GNSS and/or TPS – to provide the best geographical positioning of multiple utility targets in a very short time
  • Cable locators – to quickly and easily integrate information on cable/pipe positioning
  • Tomography – to create an even more accurate, faster 3D reconstruction of the underground utility network and merge this information with any existing cartographies
  • Camera* – to ease interpretation of underground detected targets by adding visual information of recorded soil objects
  • Survey Report – to export survey reports including extracted maps and targets directly in the field
  • CAD/GIS* – to transfer the identified targets to CAD or GIS maps for professional SUE / utility mapping
  • Cartography* – to represent the existing cartography of the surveyed area and integrate it with utility targets and soil objects
  • Augmented Reality* – to visualize underground detected objects in augmented reality
