Digitrak Falcon F5 Drilling Locator

Digitrak Falcon F5 Drilling Locator for sale, complete kit, Transmitter 15” Sonde and 19” Long Range Sonde, Ready to working out of the box

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Product Description

Digitrak Falcon F5 Drilling Locator for sale in complete kit, Transmitter 15” Sonde and 19” Long Range Sonde. Great condiiton, ready to working order and works flawlessly with DCI working standards.

Digitrak Falcon F5 Drilling Locator sale includes:

  • Digitrak Falcon F5
  • 2X Li-ion battery packs
  • F Series Li-ion/NiMH battery charger
  • Operator's manuals on USB flash drive
  • 2X Transmitter Sonde (15” Sonde and 19” Long Range Sonde)
  • Hard Case

Digitrak Falcon F5 Locator System

The DigiTrak Falcon F5 is DCI's flagship locator offering greatest interference fighting capablity, and the greatest depth and data range of DCI's products. The Falcon F5 uses the highest and lowest frequencies in the industry to overcome both active and passive (rebar) interference along the bore path. The Falcon F5 also offers Log-While-Drilling (LWD), fluid pressure monitoring, and integrated GPS as an option.

One Locator for All Your Jobsites

Falcon-F5-frequenciesFalcon F5 uses over 1000 frequencies to overcome interference and selects the 25 best frequencies to use simultaneously. Competitors only use one at a time. Each additional frequency in the Falcon F5 is an opportunity to get the job done on the first pass.

We divided 1000+ frequencies into 9 bands to help you choose the best frequencies to use. If conditions change, switch mid-bore to a second band. For extreme interference, engage MAX mode to stabilize readings and increase depth and data range.

Features at a Glance

  • Scans 1000+ of the highest and lowest frequencies used in the industry
  • Sub-K Rebar beats passive interference with ultra-low frequencies
  • Fulscale 0.1% precision pitch
  • Monitors down hole fluid pressure
  • MAX Mode boosts data range and stabilizes depth readings
  • New Falcon V2 transmitters with MultiPower mode
  • DataLog with iGPS

More Effective against Active Interference: Falcon F5 transmitters are versatile for all types of active interference at frequencies of 4.5–45 kHz. New V2 transmitters feature three power modes to strengthen the signal for deeper bores or extend battery life.

Cut thru Passive Interference: Falcon F5 with Sub-k™ Rebar uses the ultra-low frequency range of 0.33–0.75 kHz. This range is proven to be most effective for jobsites with passive interference such as rebar reinforced sidewalks, roadways, or runways.

Real-Time Data Logging and GPS Tracking: View the real-time progress of the bore and collect required data with the free Log-While-Drilling (LWD) Mobile app. Snap on the DigiTrak™ iGPS module to record GPS data while logging the bore. View the iGPS locate points on your smart device.

Subscribe to DigiTrak DataLog Management (DDM) to store, share, and manage your datalogs in the cloud

Remote Displays and Advanced Steering: Falcon F5 can be used with either the Aurora or the FCD remote displays. With Aurora Touchscreen Display you can use Target Steering to place the Falcon F5 locator ahead of the drill head as a target with left/right and up/down navigation. Falcon Compact Display (FCD™) is a rugged, entry-level display that allows the drill rig operator left/right remote steering with data for the range of the transmitter.

Protect Your Investment: With LOC security enabled on your Falcon locator, your master code locks out unwanted users. For more information, contact Customer Support

Customer Service and Technical Support: Get free 24/7 customer service and technical support across the whole product line. Master your equipment with step-by-step instructions in the DCI DigiGuide App for smart devices, or watch tutorials from the extensive Digital Control video library on YouTube

DCI Warranty: Industry first usage-based transmitter warranty: 3 years or first 500 hours of use, whichever comes first. Extended 5-year/750-hour warranty coverage available. Falcon 8-in transmitters have a 90-day warranty. Falcon locators, remote displays, software, and battery products have a 1 year warranty. For more information, contact Customer Support.

Transmitter Specifications: See the separate Falcon F5 Transmitter Specification Sheet for details on the various transmitters options

Falcon F5 Locator Specifications

  • Product ID: FF5
  • Model number: FAR5
  • Receiving frequencies: 0.33–45.0 kHz
  • Accuracy: 5%
  • Pitch resolution: 0.1% at level, decreasing with increased pitch
  • Telemetry channels: 4
  • Telemetry range : Up to 3000 ft
  • Target steering range: 35 ft
  • L/R steering range: Range of transmitter
  • Power source: Lithium-ion battery pack
  • Battery life: 8–12 hrs
  • Functions: Menu-driven
  • Controls: Trigger and toggle switches
  • Graphic display: Full-color LCD
  • Audio output: Beeper
  • Voltage, current: 14.4 VDC nominal, 390 mA max
  • Operating temperature: -4 to 140° F
  • Dimensions: 11 x 5.5 x 15 in.
  • Weight (with battery): 8.4 lb

Aurora Touchscreen Display Specifications

  • Product ID and model number: AF8, AF10
  • Power source - cabled: 10–28 VDC
  • Current : 1.75, 2.1 A maximum
  • Controls : 8.4, 10.4 in. touchscreen
  • Graphic display : LCD
  • Audio output : Speaker
  • Telemetry channels : 4
  • Telemetry range2 Up to 3000 ft
  • Operating temperature : -4 to 140° F
  • Dimensions : 9.8 x 6.6 x 3.2, 11.5 x 9.3 x 2.3 in.
  • Weights : 4.3, 6.4 lb
